Let the Sun Shine…

clouds2I look up to the sky all the time.  I have always felt a sense of peace and tranquility looking up to the sky.  The puffy, white clouds are my favorite because I enjoy seeing the masterpieces God makes of them.  Looking up, there are so many beauties and masterpieces being made every day in the sunrises and sunsets.  Even when storms build and approach, the sky has it’s own sense of beauty.   The colors portrayed in all of the various views are breathtaking.  I have seen colors in the sky that I have never seen elsewhere.
clouds7When my children were small, we would lay in the yard and look up to the sky to see what masterpieces the clouds were making.  We saw sharks, boats, fish, cars, anything and clouds6everything.  I have since had the opportunity to pass this on to my grandchildren.  Last week while driving my elderly mother to our home, she even started to talk about the masterpieces she saw.   I would venture to say my mom is the one who taught me to look up and see the beauty.  I am so thankful she did.
As humans we always find something about ourselves that we do not like.  Our height, weight, nose, teeth, hair, we’re too fat, too skinny or whatever we come up with!  All of the insecurities with our outward appearance affect our inner beauty.  I often wonder why we are so insecure because of our beauty.  In reality, we were made exactly how we wereclouds1 meant to be made.  Sadly, culture has taught us we have to be this way or that way, which throws us all into a whirlwind of insecurities.  Life is hard enough already!  For some reason, society adds further hardship by creating these vanity-fueled standards we are supposed to live up to.
One thing that triggers an immense amount of compassion and empathy within myself is the lost sight within others of their own beauty clouds3when lost in the world of addiction.  The storm clouds swirling around them continue and from the rain they feel as though they are drowning.  Just beyond the storm clouds though, there is a sun wanting to rise or set but it cannot be seen from all the darkness.  The beauty that is so bright is trying to come out, but with the developed insecurities from the journey of life it cannot be seen.  There is beauty all around us.  We are God’s masterpiece.   Walking around in shame, guilt, fear, confusion or turmoil will keep us blinded.  We on the outside of the storm can see the sun peaking through wanting to shine fully.  We can see your true beauty.  We are waiting for you to take a small peak and we will be here waiting for you.
Now is the time to become the masterpiece you were created to be.  Find your true beauty and stop hiding behind the dark skies in life.  The sun is there ready to shine and so are cross6you.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece.  He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.

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